タートル Turtle


それまで単発で執筆を行なっていた『ウェブ版美術手帖』編集部から展覧会レビュー連載の依頼があったのが2020年3月。その直後に東京ではじめての緊急事態宣言が発令され、美術館やギャラリーなどが一斉に臨時閉館することになり、6月にエドワード・ヤンの映画『ヤンヤン 夏の想い出』から連載を始めることになりました。2021年9月までの全9回の執筆を貫く問題意識は「この世界で起きている様々な物事の連鎖、あるいは伝播に意識を払い、芸術実践について記述すること」ということができるかもしれません。それは現在まで続く新型コロナウイルスの感染流行のただなかに芸術について考えることです。



3.「抵抗としての私」Ryu Ika
8.「独白としての星雲」ジギタリス あるいは1人称のカメラ


Postscript of exhibition reviews at Bijutsu Techo in 2020-2021

In March 2020, I received a request to contribute exhibition review series for the web magazine "Bijutsu Techo." However, shortly afterward, the first state of emergency for coronavirus infections was declared in Tokyo, causing museums and galleries to close temporarily. Therefore, this series started from the article arguing Edward Yang's film "Yi Yi: A One and a Two" (2000) instead of exhibitions. An attempt at this series which ended in September 2021, may be described as "writing about artistic practices with focusing on chains and propagations of various things that happen in this world. In other words, this series is a response to the pandemic that continues even nowadays.

How do artistic practices reassemble the entanglements (Bruno Latour and Anna Tsing) in the world? How do the artworks refer to motifs in society and (transnational) art history (rather than locating works on history)? How can I translate such artistic practices/exhibition vision?

"Articulating 'good care' is not a way of describing the facts, of telling about the world as it is. Nor is it an evaluation, a (positive) judgment of care practices. Instead, it is an intervention."
─ ─ Annemarie Mol, "The Logic of Care: Is the Choice for the Patient?" (translated by Taguchi Yoko + Hamada Akinori, Suiseisha, 2020, 97)

Review Lists (Japanese only)
1."Ensemble Cast as Ethics" Edward Yang
2."Light as Knowledge" Yokohama Triennale 2020
3."Myself as Resistance" Ryu Ika
4."Intimacy as Catalyst" Saito Reiji+ Jinushi Maiko
5."Vernacular as Chorus" Komatsu Kazumichi
6."Oral cavity as politics" Rachi Akira
7."Wind as Silence" Listening: Resonant World
8."Nebula as Monologue" Digitalis or First Person Camera
9."The Body as Boundary" MOT Annual2021: Sea, Living Room, Skull

I appreciate all the artists, people cooperating for research, friends discussing with me from various directions, and Mori Akiko, an editor collaborating with me for the series.