タートル Turtle





アーティストトーク: 9/10 (Sun) ゲスト:兼平彦太郎



渡邉庸平は1990年福島県生まれ、現在東京芸術大学大学院修士過程在籍中。現代のメディア環境を背景に、人間の身体性や想像力の在り方に関心を寄せ作品を制作してきました。彼のアプローチはSF的であり、生々しく、そしてロマンチックな想像力に貫かれています。主なグループ展に「SPVI II」(Turner Gallery,東京, 2015)、「THE EXPOSED#9 passing pictures」(g/p Gallery 東雲, 東京, 2015)、「at work 」(東京芸術大学 Yuga Gallery, 東京, 2013)。

Yohei Watanabe : Texture of Cat, Clouds Reversed in Retina

September 3 - September 18, 2017

komagome SOKO

The solo exhibition of “Texture of Cat, Clouds Reversed in Retina.” by Yohei Watanabe will start from September 3rd at Komagome SOKO. In this his first solo exhibition, he presents an installation work constructed with new video, animation, diagram, and 3D works.

Yohei Watanabe was born in 1990 in Fukushima prefecture and currently enrolled in MFA of Tokyo University of the Arts. His works are based on his interests with the embodiment and imagination of human being. His approach is carried out with speculative-fictional, exposed, and romantic way of imagination.

“Calendar”: modern device divided our life into a grid was made with a scale on relationship between the earth and sun, and related to our physiological rhythm. Watanabe presents one model of experiment range from cat’s gesture in our daily life to the crash of time-space. This is the exhibition=thinking making a big scaled order, dealing only with matters in real life.

Photo by Ujin Matsuo

Video by Yohei Watanabe